Monday, February 28, 2011


My house is so chaotic! My little sister Libby dresses the cat in wedding dresses and cowboy suits. My mum treats me like i am a little girl still. And my dad, well my dad is just really there he doesnt really care what i do, its always up to my mum. When i go to school, i am always with my ace gange. There always one person you have to watch out for and thats Lyndsi. She is the most horrifying girl at my school! She dating one of the most cuttest boys in school Robbie. There totally opposite if eachother! He works with his mum at a small grocery store and loves to help people, while Lyndsi on the other hand would rather hurt people and doesnt care about anyone but herself. As for my love life, i dont have one. I like Robbie but he's dating Lyndsi and I hate Lyndsi and i know he would never choose me over her! As long as i have my best friend Jaz i think life will still make it.


  1. This tells more about Angus than the setting. But it's a nice biography of Angus! (:


  2. It shows alot of details. It's good but it needs more about the main charater

  3. i think that the book has a wierd name. I like how you guys put so many pictures maby too many.


  4. "Dressed the cat in wedding dresses," that is hilarious! Lots of details. Good post.

  5. This is an amazing blog! I like all the colors! I can tell you guys put alot of effort to this! Great job!
