Thursday, March 17, 2011

Boy stalking (theme)

"So me and my Ace gang love the boy stalk when we see a guy we like. In this case i like Robbie so were boy stalking him! I know he is with Lyndsi, but he will be mine and i know it! he doesnt even know i exist!" I chose this theme, because she likes this boy Robbie, she wants to be noticed by him so she stalks him during the book with her Ace gang. Later on she gets her dream boy <3

whats happening now

My mum and Dad are soooo old school! They wont let me have the bigest birthday bash ever! So what if i am only 14 turning 15 and wanting to have it at a club with a dj? Lyndsi parents are letting her do it and heres teh worst part, her birthday is on the same day as mine! This only means mine has to be better! Come on mum! i am practically an adult now its soo not fair!


Monday, February 28, 2011


My house is so chaotic! My little sister Libby dresses the cat in wedding dresses and cowboy suits. My mum treats me like i am a little girl still. And my dad, well my dad is just really there he doesnt really care what i do, its always up to my mum. When i go to school, i am always with my ace gange. There always one person you have to watch out for and thats Lyndsi. She is the most horrifying girl at my school! She dating one of the most cuttest boys in school Robbie. There totally opposite if eachother! He works with his mum at a small grocery store and loves to help people, while Lyndsi on the other hand would rather hurt people and doesnt care about anyone but herself. As for my love life, i dont have one. I like Robbie but he's dating Lyndsi and I hate Lyndsi and i know he would never choose me over her! As long as i have my best friend Jaz i think life will still make it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


He has a wonderful personality. He has the biggest prettiest green-blue eyes that makes you want to fall in love with him. He dates the preppiest, meanest, prettiest girl in the school. She very high class. Georgia really loves Robbie, but she is the complete opposite as Lyndsi.


Jazz is Georgia nicolson's best friend in the whole entire world! She a tall thin girl same age as gerogia 14. she has blonde hair blue eyes. Her personality is sweet and innocent. She is dating Robbies friend. They both go to the same school with eachother, They tell eachother all their deepest darkest secrets only they know.

Georgia Nicolson

Who is Georgia Nicolson? She is the main character of angus thongs and the perfect snogging.Also in the book she is the main character. She is very down to earth girl, she has enemies but who doesnt? She likes this one boy Robbie who is new to their school. But this mean girl Lyndsi is dating him and she is just a threat to Georgia. Her goal is to try to get the boy she loves, and have the coolest party of her life. Without her parents being a total drag.